Friday, December 24, 2010


Some people say life is about the journey not the individual achievements and I can totally side with that in most cases, and on most days but 3 weeks ago I watched my husband walk the stage at his graduation. I know at times he felt like a hamster on a wheel, he likely thought he'd never see the end; but 6 years, two transfers, and countless semesters of not knowing whether or not he was going to be able to afford to go to school he did it! IT being completing our dream of setting a standard of college education for our kids, because you can't seriously expect your kids to do it if you didn't, IT being breaking the generational cycle of not even pursuing a higher education let alone completing it, and best of all IT being inspiring his younger cousins to follow in his footsteps for it would not be easy but it could be done if you wanted it bad enough. As I was chasing him around First Mariner Arena snapping pictures like I was the paparazzi all of a sudden all the emotions hit me like a brick, I started crying (I didn't even cry at my own graduation). I know his struggle and its probably very similar to a lot of students but when you don't have to live it because you were on a scholarship, or had parents (one or both) who wanted to or did help through school you just don't get it. Through the 5 years of our long distance relationship he'd talk to me about it, and I said I understood him but when he moved here and transfered schools to complete the last of his degree I saw first hand all his ups and downs, frustrations and even tears and it made me realize how amazing he really is. He's kind of my hero, and watching him walk out of the tunnel with his cap, gown and his sigma stole on made me so happy for him that it brought me to tears, still does as I type this, because on that day 3 weeks ago, it wasn't about the journey it was all about the achievement! It just goes to show that really can do anything you want, and if you don't its because you talked yourself out of it! 

 signed, proud wifey! congratulations honey bunches :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.....

Oh how I love Christmas, although Thanksgiving is slowly becoming my favorite holiday I just love the spirit in the air the, the kindness shown to one another, and the DECORATIONS!! Last year was my first time EVER having a real Christmas tree, and Darreals first time picking one himself, so as fun as it was to go Christmas tree shopping and buy decorations and all that good stuff it was also very overwhelming ( the freezing temperatures, and rain snow mix didn't help either). This year we were ready; with hat, scarves, boots, gloves, camera, and better weather we marched over to home depot to get our perfect tree!

 The sea of trees
nope! NOT that one, it's not full enough 
 Ahhhhhh, the perfect tree!
 my Paul Buinyan
 Fits perfectly in the corner, and will be even better when the branches fall down
 Time to light it up
  And put the GORGEOUS ornaments on
 and the NEW tree topper, the one from last year was close to hideous
The finishing touch
and the house is officially Christmafied, the only thing missing is a fire in the fireplace. Neither one of us were scouts, so we struggle when it comes to fire making!

So gorgeous, so warm, so homey. Happy Holidays everyone :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Home for the Holiday

Ahhhhhh, there's nothing like being home for the holiday.... this trip however was probably the best trip home that we've had in a long time. We didn't get to see everybody that we wanted to but those we did get to see and spend time with it was an absolute blast. This trip was also the start of healing other relationships as well. Gotta love it when the family finally comes together :) Life is good

On our way back from MSU we stopped by the University of Toledo so Darreal could be reunited with wonderful men from the Lambda Epsilon chapter of Phi Beta Sigma. Steve, Earl, Darreal & Jamal aka 4.M.W.O.B.W.

I was most excited to get home so I could hang out with my nieces! I haven't seen the oldest one play soccer in 3 years and I've never seen the youngest play soccer, so we went to the park to play and they got to show me their soccer skills

My silly girls! Love spending time with them

And there is NOTHING like sliding down a the playground slide with your arms up like a little kid again.... Although the slide was so cold it kind of hurt, but it was still fun!

A little pre-thanksgiving, thanksgiving dinner with the fam! Tristan, Nayia, Aunt Tonya, Ty, and my sissy, love you all!

And just like that we're on the road again, from the Ohio turnpike through the Allegheny Mountain tunnel in Pennsylvania, down the scenic hills of Maryland... back to DC, back to real life.